Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dreamed a dream she never died..

I'm asleep, but only half so, and it's in this limbo of semi-consciousness that, as of late, i have found myself crossing a non-descript road, sometimes busy, sometimes desolate, always unidentifiable. It's when im almost to the other side that i see a small child chasing a ball into the path of an oncoming vehicle. I never react. It isn't until i see who is driving, a friend of a former life who i wronged so deeply and so irrevocably that i shall never forget, much less ask forgiveness from. I immediately dive after the child, more for me than to spare the kid, and throw him out of harm's way just as the steely skin of her car throws me clear into the windshield. I feel every bone break and blood pouring from countless wounds, and i can't help but smile because i know its over. I know it'll never be even, but i know this is as close as i'll ever get to making it up to her. The car skids to a halt, a trail of rubber 3 car lengths long, and i land clear of where i was standing just moments before. She runs over with genuine concern and her face is at once a mask of empathy and shocked recognition as i call out her name. she kneels down and cradles my bloody head in her arms, her tears burning my face as they roll off her cheek and onto mine. The sun is directly overhead, a light i can't help but stare into, searing her darkened silhouette into my fading vision. I call to her one final time and reach up, touching her face, to see with my own hands the final visage of a friend i failed so long ago, unforgiven.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

4:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

6:33 AM  

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